Smart Grow. Educational Games — Gameplay Screencast -

Smart Grow. Educational Games — Gameplay Screencast

Smart Grow
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Learn numbers, colors, major shapes, differentiate between sizes and forms, develop minor motor skills and attentiveness, teach logical thinking, train reaction, inspire creativeness. A collection of beautifully designed Smart Grow games will help your kids do that while playing!
Download from Google Play and App Store for free:

The app contains cute 18 games with more being added regularly, all voiced by great talents that love to make products for kids.

We do worship the taste of beauty and we’re confident it has to be developed from very first years of a child. Ideally every toy, every book, everything that surrounds a child has to be beautiful. And we create our games with that idea and perception in mind.

Here is a short list of current Smart Grow’s games:
* Collect the animals – develops logical thinking, hand-eye coordination, lets children learn how animals look.
* Sounds of Animals – helps kids learn what animals say and how they look
* Lead Animals – teaches numbers and animals
* Animal Puzzles – develops logical thinking and hand-eye coordination
* What Comes Next – develops advanced logical thinking
* Remember the Animals – trains memory
* World of Animals – introduces into the world of animals and trains hand-eye coordination
* Matching Halves – learning real life objects and develop hand-eye coordination
* Feed the Animals – develops hand-eye coordination and teaches animals
* Cell Feeding – learning basic shapes and colors
* Drawing Shapes – training hand-eye coordination and learning shapes
* Amazing Space – teaching size perception, colors and Solar system planets at the same time!
* Spot the Difference – develops attentiveness
* Join the Dots – learns numbers and basic objects
* Happy Coloring – develops creative spirit
* Toy Sorting – learning colors and hand-eye coordination
* Augmented Reality (AR) Toy Sorting – innovative version of Toy Sorting brining game objects into your room!
* Clap Hands – trains reaction
* Home Decoration – inspires creativeness

Download Smart Grow for free now.
Let your kids learn through playing full of love and beauty games