Baby Learning With Ms Rachel – First Words, Songs and Nursery Rhymes for Babies – Toddler Videos
Ms Rachel is a master at encouraging speech, language development, imaginative play, social emotional development and is always sneaking in important learning concepts! Ms Rachel’s methods and curriculum are backed by experts and research in the early childhood development field.
If your child is not meeting milestones, let your pediatrician know and call early intervention for your state. Your child may qualify for free or low cost therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. You can also contact a private speech therapist (speech language pathologist) for an evaluation. It’s best to act early and get your child help as soon as possible.
In this video Ms Rachel models:
First words such as mama, dada, uh-oh, ball, animal sounds, and car sound effects
First sentences such as “What’s that?” “I did it” and “I want toys!”
Gestures, which are shown to promote language development (Babies who use more gestures 9-16 months use more verbal language two years later) You can try for 16 gestures by 16 months old.
Milestones such as clapping, waving, copying gestures, blow a kiss, point to one or more body parts, shaking head “no,” nodding “yes,” pointing with index finger, hold a toy and shake it, give a high five, quiet sign, smile at people, copy facial expressions like smiling and frowning, find hidden things easily, knows what things are for such as a telephone, brush and spoon.
Fun games to play with baby such as Peek-A-Boo, Pat-A-Cake, This Little Piggy, Blowing bubbles, rolling a ball, with baby, stacking blocks, using shape sorters, puzzles and more!
Fun songs that promote learning and language such as
Wheels on The Bus
Peek A Boo Song
Open Shut Them
If You’re Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands
If You Should Meet An Elephant
We’re Waving
ABCs (The Alphabet Song)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Walking Walking
The More We Get Together
London Bridges
Row Row Row Your Boat
Baby Put Your Pants On
The More We Get Together
Shake Your Shaker
Tick Tock, Tick Tock, I’m A Little Cuckoo Clock
Round and Round the Garden
Put Your Stuffy on Your Heart
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Icky Sticky Bubble Gum
Hop Little Bunnies
5 Littles Fishies Swimming in the Sea
Hurry Hurry Drive The Fire Truck
Bain development tips such as
Read, sing and talk to your baby
Sing songs with simple gestures
Label parts of body with child
Give age appropriate toys to explore
Talk and play with baby during dressing, feeding, bathing
Respond to what baby points to and talk about it
Play on floor with baby
Narrate your day like a sportscaster
Respond to baby’s cries, soothe them
Give child lots of hugs and kisses
Play with blocks and shape sorters so child uses their hands
Nursery Rhymes, Finger Plays and Tickles such as:
These Are Babies Fingers
The Moon Is Round As Round Can Be
Toast In The Toaster
How Big Is Baby? So big!
Garden Snail and Quick Mouse
You Be The Ice Cream
Pizza Baby
Trot Trot To Boston
Aka Backa Soda Cracker
5 Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed
A Quiet Little Mouse
Visit our “Songs for Littles” YouTube Channel for many more baby learning videos, toddler learning videos, preschool learning videos, educational videos for toddlers, baby sign videos, learning videos for toddlers, Baby Learning Videos for babies to watch, Learn To Talk videos, Talking Time, Talking Toddler, videos for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, baby sensory video, 3 year olds, 4 year olds and 5 year olds! We have the best educational videos for toddlers and learning videos for kids.
Teacher Rachel loves you and is so proud of you!
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“Georgie” puppet Copyright 2016 – David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.